Annual General Meeting Saturday 7th June 2025 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at NICVA
7 June @ 10:00 - 13:00
Yoga Fellowship of Northern Ireland Annual General Meeting Saturday 7th June 2025 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at NICVA
Dear Friends in Yoga,
I invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting and Summer Gathering which takes place from 10.00- 1.00 pm on Saturday 7 June 2025 at NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT152GB.
Apart from business, we always find this a lovely opportunity to get together to meet old and new friends in a relaxed convivial atmosphere.
Core business should take us to 11.30, followed directly after by a lovely yoga practice.
(In keeping with ‘caring is sharing’ you are encouraged to bring some nibbles/refreshments for communal enjoyment.)
Our AGM is an important date in the Fellowship calendar, when we elect our incoming Committee, and the Committee reports on our activities, financial profile and other issues.
It is an important opportunity for you, the members, to have your say and to influence our direction of travel. However, please note that only fully paid-up members will be eligible to vote at the AGM, so if you haven’t already, do please renew your membership as soon as possible.