About Yoga


What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice of postures, breathing, visualisation and meditation to promote good health and inner peace.

What does it mean?

Translated from Sanskrit, Yoga means ‘union’ – this union is between mind, body and spirit.


Why should I practise Yoga?

Practising Yoga will help you attain balance in body, mind and spirit.  

The main purpose of Yoga is to still the mind. 

It can teach gentle control and use of the breath to raise energy levels, while maintaining calm and inner peace.

The most widely taught form of yoga in the West is Hatha yoga.  


Click on Types of Yoga to download a PDF giving a short introduction to the various styles of yoga available.


What can I expect in a class?

Every teacher is different.

In general, you can expect a class to start with centring and some warm up movement, followed by physical poses (asana) and then finished off with some relaxation.

You will find some classes are low impact, while others can be more challenging.

Many classes focus mostly on the physical poses.

Some classes will involve breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and yoga nidra (a deep conscious relaxation).


The Benefits of Yoga

  • Increase flexibility, maintain suppleness and improve muscle tone
  • Give a general sense of calmness and well-being 
  • Induce relaxation 
  • Reduce high blood pressure 
  • Energise body and mind 
  • Improve circulation 
  • Decrease stress 
  • Increase concentration and clarity of thought 
  • Build confidence & resilience


Who can practise Yoga?

Anyone can practise Yoga. 

We recommend, as with any form of exercise, that if you have health conditions, you should contact your GP for advice, prior to attending class.

If you are taking up Yoga for the first time, have any specific health concerns or any injuries, please discuss this with the teacher.


What do I do now?

Search our database to find a teacher working in your area. 

Google classes in your area, town, borough.

Search online for some inspiration.